UmVirt LFS Package info
DB commit: d35a620850806ab581b32cb34d268a904c9c0a5f
APP commit: 1ca4178aea919e4c9e869e3d650ff8af9678bd6f
PulseAudio is a sound system for POSIX OSes, meaning that it is a proxy for sound applications. It allows you to do advanced operations on your sound data as it passes between your application and your hardware. Things like transferring the audio to a different machine, changing the sample format or channel count and mixing several sounds into one are easily achieved using a sound server. Package info
Codename: pulseaudio
Source file: pulseaudio-12.2.tar.xz
Source directory: pulseaudio-12.2
Package URL:
Package md5-checksum URL:
Dependances: libsndfile.
Dependance of: xine-lib, qtwebengine, SDL2, mpg123, SDL, obs-studio, libao, jami-daemon, openttd-base, fluidsynth, MPlayer, libcanberra, gnome-settings-daemon-broken.
Patches: *** NO PATCHES FOUND ***
Addons: *** NO ADDONS FOUND ***
Nestings *** NO NESTINGS FOUND ***
Configuration script:
./configure --prefix=/usr \
--sysconfdir=/etc \
--localstatedir=/var \
--disable-bluez4 \
--disable-bluez5 \
Build script:
Install script:
make install
rm -fv /etc/dbus-1/system.d/pulseaudio-system.conf