UmVirt LFS Package info
DB commit: d35a620850806ab581b32cb34d268a904c9c0a5f
APP commit: 1ca4178aea919e4c9e869e3d650ff8af9678bd6f
The cURL package contains an utility and a library used for transferring files with URL syntax to any of the following protocols: FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS and FILE. Its ability to both download and upload files can be incorporated into other programs to support functions like streaming media. Package info
Codename: curl
Source file: curl-7.61.0.tar.xz
Source directory: curl-7.61.0
Package URL:
Package md5-checksum URL:
Dependances: *** NO DEPENDANCES FOUND ***
Dependance of: scummvm, php, obs-studio, NetworkManager, minetest, git, liboauth, exiv2, mupdf, transmission, raptor2, cmake, ImageMagick7, rustc, libreoffice.
Patches: *** NO PATCHES FOUND ***
Addons: *** NO ADDONS FOUND ***
Nestings *** NO NESTINGS FOUND ***
Configuration script:
./configure --prefix=/usr \
--disable-static \
--enable-threaded-resolver \
Build script:
Install script:
make install