UmVirt LFS Package info

DB commit: 57bed5a54ba91b88b24a1c8eb97bd083dbf72f0d
APP commit: 634ff2193dea70dde75eb1916d758638b7417453


The libnotify library is used to send desktop notifications to a notification daemon, as defined in the Desktop Notifications spec.

Package info

Codename: libnotify
Source file: libnotify-0.8.2.tar.xz
Source directory: libnotify-0.8.2
Package URL:
Package md5-checksum URL:
Dependances: gobject-introspection, gtk3.
Dependance of: zenity, gnome-bluetooth, ibus, audacious-plugins, gnome-settings-daemon, nautilus, vlc.
Patches: *** NO PATCHES FOUND ***
Addons: *** NO ADDONS FOUND ***
Nestings *** NO NESTINGS FOUND ***
Configuration script:
mkdir build &&
cd    build &&

meson setup --prefix=/usr       \
            --buildtype=release \
            -Dgtk_doc=false     \
            -Dman=false         \

Build script:
cd    build &&

Install script:
cd    build &&
ninja install &&
mv -v /usr/share/doc/libnotify{,-0.8.2}