UmVirt LFS Package info

DB commit: 57bed5a54ba91b88b24a1c8eb97bd083dbf72f0d
APP commit: 634ff2193dea70dde75eb1916d758638b7417453


The libaio package is an asynchronous I/O facility ("async I/O", or "aio") that has a richer API and capability set than the simple POSIX async I/O facility. This library, libaio, provides the Linux-native API for async I/O. The POSIX async I/O facility requires this library in order to provide kernel-accelerated async I/O capabilities, as do applications which require the Linux-native async I/O API.

Package info

Codename: libaio
Source file: libaio-0.3.113.tar.gz
Source directory: libaio-0.3.113
Package URL:
Package md5-checksum URL:
Dependances: *** NO DEPENDANCES FOUND ***
Dependance of: LVM2.
Patches: *** NO PATCHES FOUND ***
Addons: *** NO ADDONS FOUND ***
Nestings *** NO NESTINGS FOUND ***
Configuration script:
sed -i '/install.*libaio.a/s/^/#/' src/Makefile

Build script:
if [[ "$ULFS_PKG_TEST" == "YES" ]]
	    make partcheck

Install script:
make install