UmVirt LFS Package info

DB commit: be1eaeb9e1d7ba0146566f8c9226f3f3cf6c6aa8
APP commit: 1ca4178aea919e4c9e869e3d650ff8af9678bd6f


SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator) is a compiler that integrates C and C++ with languages including Perl, Python, Tcl, Ruby, PHP, Java, JavaScript, C#, D, Go, Lua, Octave, R, Racket, Scilab, Scheme, and Ocaml. SWIG can also export its parse tree into Lisp s-expressions and XML.

Package info

Codename: swig
Source file: swig-4.2.1.tar.gz
Source directory: swig-4.2.1
Package URL: swig-4.2.1.tar.gz
Package md5-checksum URL: swig-4.2.1.tar.gz.md5sum
Dependances: pcre2, boost.
Dependance of: dtc, obs-studio.
Patches: *** NO PATCHES FOUND ***
Addons: *** NO ADDONS FOUND ***
Nestings *** NO NESTINGS FOUND ***
Configuration script:
./configure --prefix=/usr                      \
            --without-javascript               \

Build script:

Install script:
make install &&
cp -v -R Doc -T /usr/share/doc/swig-4.2.1