#!/bin/bash #=========================== # UMVIRT LINUX FROM SCRATCH #=========================== # Compilation script. # Network mode. #=========================== # Release: 0.2.3 # Package: mrustc #=========================== # DB commit: be1eaeb9e1d7ba0146566f8c9226f3f3cf6c6aa8 # APP commit: 1ca4178aea919e4c9e869e3d650ff8af9678bd6f #=========================== echo "ULFS Package installation start" echo "===============================" echo "Package: mrustc" echo "Release: 0.2.3" echo "checking config file" if [ -f $ULFS_CONFIG_FILE ] then echo "loading config file $ULFS_CONFIG_FILE..." . $ULFS_CONFIG_FILE fi #Creating log directory mkdir -p /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/ #Saving start timestamp date +%s > /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/start.time #Going to source directory... cd /sources #Checking dependances... #Checking git... if [ ! -f /var/cache/ulfs-packages/git ]; then echo "Dependance \"git\" not found. Trying to install..."; wget --no-check-certificate https://umvirt.com/linux/packages//0.2.3/git/install -O - | bash if [ ! -f /var/cache/ulfs-packages/git ]; then echo "Dependance \"git\" is not installed. Exiting..." exit fi fi #Saving downloading timestamp date +%s > /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/download.time #Downloading source package archive... wget --no-check-certificate -nc .md5sum wget --no-check-certificate -nc #Checking source package file existance if [ ! -f mrust-bf20f57582638fcaef5fd3428ec819b22708aff6.tar.xz ]; then echo "Error: Can't find mrust-bf20f57582638fcaef5fd3428ec819b22708aff6.tar.xz. Exiting!" exit fi #Checking source package file checksum if [ -f mrust-bf20f57582638fcaef5fd3428ec819b22708aff6.tar.xz.md5sum ]; then MD5=`LANG=C md5sum -c mrust-bf20f57582638fcaef5fd3428ec819b22708aff6.tar.xz.md5sum | grep OK` if [ "$MD5" == "" ] ; then echo "Error: Checksum of mrust-bf20f57582638fcaef5fd3428ec819b22708aff6.tar.xz is wrong. Exiting!" exit fi fi #Downloadning add-ons... #Downloadning add-on ""... wget --no-check-certificate -nc .md5sum wget --no-check-certificate -nc #Checking addon file existance if [ ! -f ]; then echo "Error: Can't find . Exiting!" exit fi #Checking add-on file checksum if [ -f .md5sum ]; then MD5=`LANG=C md5sum -c .md5sum | grep OK` if [ "$MD5" == "" ] ; then echo "Error: Checksum of is wrong. Exiting!" exit fi fi #Downloadning add-on ""... wget --no-check-certificate -nc .md5sum wget --no-check-certificate -nc #Checking addon file existance if [ ! -f ]; then echo "Error: Can't find . Exiting!" exit fi #Checking add-on file checksum if [ -f .md5sum ]; then MD5=`LANG=C md5sum -c .md5sum | grep OK` if [ "$MD5" == "" ] ; then echo "Error: Checksum of is wrong. Exiting!" exit fi fi #Saving cleanup timestamp date +%s > /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/cleanup.time rm -rfv /sources/mrust-bf20f57582638fcaef5fd3428ec819b22708aff6/ #Saving extracting timestamp date +%s > /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/unpack.time #Extracting tar source package archive with default parameters... tar -xf mrust-bf20f57582638fcaef5fd3428ec819b22708aff6.tar.xz #Checking package directory size after unpack... du -s mrust-bf20f57582638fcaef5fd3428ec819b22708aff6 | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' > /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/unpack.size #Going to source package directory... cd mrust-bf20f57582638fcaef5fd3428ec819b22708aff6 #Saving configuration timestamp date +%s > /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time #Sleep 1 second sleep 1 if [[ "$ULFS_PKG_DATERESET" == "YES" ]] then #Changing all files creation time (except build configuration files) in source directory to find them after installation find /sources/mrust-bf20f57582638fcaef5fd3428ec819b22708aff6 \! -path "*/configure*" \! -path "*/Makefile*" \! -path "*.make" \! -path "*.m4" \! -path "*.am" \! -path "*.mk" \! -path "*.stamp" \! -path "*gentpl.py" -exec touch -m {} + fi #Running configuration script... echo "checking config file" if [ -f $ULFS_CONFIG_FILE ] then echo "loading config file $ULFS_CONFIG_FILE..." . $ULFS_CONFIG_FILE fi cat > ulfs_configure.sh << EOIS echo "Initializing distributed build environment... " if [[ "\$ULFS_ICECC" == "YES" ]] then export PATH="\$ULFS_ICECC_PATH:\$PATH" echo "ICECC" fi echo "Environment debug..." echo "PATH: \$PATH" echo "MAKEFLAGS: \$MAKEFLAGS" echo "NINJAJOBS: \$NINJAJOBS" env | grep ULFS #enable directory access to git /usr/bin/git config --global --add safe.directory \$PWD #reset git tree git reset --hard #copy rustc source cp -v ../rustc-1.54.0-src.tar.gz . #apply patch patch -p1 < ../mrust-minicargo.patch #speedup sed "s/PARLEVEL ?= 1/PARLEVEL ?= `nproc`/" -i minicargo.mk sed "s/LLVM_TARGETS ?= X86;ARM;AArch64#;Mips;PowerPC;SystemZ;JSBackend;MSP430;Sparc;NVPTX/LLVM_TARGETS ?= X86/" -i minicargo.mk sed "s/LLVM_TARGETS ?= X86;ARM;AArch64#;Mips;PowerPC;SystemZ;JSBackend;MSP430;Sparc;NVPTX/LLVM_TARGETS ?= X86/" -i run_rustc/Makefile sed "s/PARLEVEL ?= 1/PARLEVEL ?= `nproc`/" -i run_rustc/Makefile #build std library echo "LIBGIT2_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=1 make -C run_rustc \$@" >> build-1.54.0.sh sleep 10 EOIS cat ulfs_configure.sh | bash 2>&1 | tee /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.log #Saving build timestamp date +%s > /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/build.time #Running build script... echo "checking config file" if [ -f $ULFS_CONFIG_FILE ] then echo "loading config file $ULFS_CONFIG_FILE..." . $ULFS_CONFIG_FILE fi cat > ulfs_build.sh << EOIS echo "Initializing distributed build environment... " if [[ "\$ULFS_ICECC" == "YES" ]] then export PATH="\$ULFS_ICECC_PATH:\$PATH" echo "ICECC" fi echo "Environment debug..." echo "PATH: \$PATH" echo "MAKEFLAGS: \$MAKEFLAGS" echo "NINJAJOBS: \$NINJAJOBS" env | grep ULFS time ./build-1.54.0.sh EOIS cat ulfs_build.sh | bash 2>&1 | tee /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/build.log #Saving install timestamp date +%s > /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/install.time #Running install script... cat > ulfs_install.sh << EOIS #create directories install -vdm755 /opt/mrustc install -vdm755 /opt/mrustc/bin install -vdm755 /opt/mrustc/lib install -vdm755 /opt/mrustc/test #install binaries install -v -m555 output-1.54.0/rustc /opt/mrustc/bin/mrustc install -v -m555 output-1.54.0/cargo /opt/mrustc/bin #install libraries install -v -m644 run_rustc/output-1.54.0/prefix/lib/rustlib/`uname -m`-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/*.rlib /opt/mrustc/lib cat > /etc/profile.d/rustc.sh << "EOF" # Begin /etc/profile.d/rustc.sh pathprepend /opt/mrustc/bin PATH RUSTFLAGS='-L /opt/mrustc/lib ' export RUSTFLAGS # End /etc/profile.d/rustc.sh EOF cat > /opt/mrustc/bin/rustc << "EOF" /opt/mrustc/bin/mrustc -L /opt/mrustc/lib \$@ EOF chmod -v 555 /opt/mrustc/bin/rustc #test. executable file must built pathprepend /opt/mrustc/bin PATH cat > /opt/mrustc/test/hello.rs << "EOF" fn main() { println!("Rustc is works!"); } EOF cd /opt/mrustc/test/ rustc hello.rs ./hello EOIS USER=`whoami` if [ "$USER" == "root" ] ; then cat ulfs_install.sh | bash 2>&1 | tee /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/install.log else cat ulfs_install.sh | sudo bash 2>&1 | tee /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/install.log fi #Saving finish timestamp date +%s > /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time #Checking package directory size after unpack... cd /sources du -s mrust-bf20f57582638fcaef5fd3428ec819b22708aff6 | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' > /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/install.size echo "ULFS package installation completed." #Producing files list echo "Looking for installed files..." if [ -f /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt ]; then rm /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt fi USER=`whoami` if [ "$USER" == "root" ] ; then find /bin -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt find /sbin -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt find /usr -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt find /etc -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt find /opt -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt find /lib -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt find /lib64 -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt find /var -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time \! -path "/var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/*" >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt else sudo find /bin -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt sudo find /sbin -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt sudo find /usr -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt sudo find /etc -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt sudo find /opt -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt sudo find /lib -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt sudo find /lib64 -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt sudo find /var -type f -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time \! -newer /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time \! -path "/var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/*" >> /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/files.txt fi #Marking package as installed... mkdir -p /var/cache/ulfs-packages USER=`whoami` if [ "$USER" == "root" ] ; then touch /var/cache/ulfs-packages/mrustc else sudo touch /var/cache/ulfs-packages/mrustc fi #Calculate delta size a=`cat /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/unpack.size` b=`cat /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/install.size` c=$(($b-$a)) echo $c > /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/delta.size #Calculate prepare time a=`cat /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/start.time` b=`cat /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time` dp=$(($b-$a)) #Calculate download time a=`cat /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/download.time` b=`cat /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/unpack.time` dd=$(($b-$a)) #Calculate delta time a=`cat /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/configure.time` b=`cat /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/finish.time` db=$(($b-$a)) echo $db > /var/log/ulfs-packages/mrustc/delta.time #Report echo "" echo "ULFS Package installation report" echo "================================" echo "Package: mrustc" echo "Release: 0.2.3" echo "Build size: $c" echo "Prepare time: $dp sec." echo "Download time: $dd sec." echo "Build time: $db sec." #End of script