UmVirt LFS Package info
DB commit: be1eaeb9e1d7ba0146566f8c9226f3f3cf6c6aa8
APP commit: 1ca4178aea919e4c9e869e3d650ff8af9678bd6f
Dmidecode reports information about your system's hardware as described in your system BIOS according to the SMBIOS/DMI standard.Package info
Codename: dmidecode
Source file: dmidecode-3.5.tar.xz
Source directory: dmidecode-3.5
Package URL: dmidecode-3.5.tar.xz
Package md5-checksum URL: dmidecode-3.5.tar.xz.md5sum
Dependances: *** NO DEPENDANCES FOUND ***
Dependance of: libvirt.
Patches: dmidecode-80de376231e903d2cbea95e51ffea31860502159.patch, dmidecode-c76ddda0ba0aa99a55945e3290095c2ec493c892.patch.
Addons: *** NO ADDONS FOUND ***
Nestings *** NO NESTINGS FOUND ***
Configuration script:
sed -i "s/\/usr\/local/\/usr/" Makefile
Build script:
Install script:
make install