UmVirt LFS Package info

DB commit: 06a3bafc31a9f2da2aecdf7c1c6e8b91885cb553
APP commit: 634ff2193dea70dde75eb1916d758638b7417453


he libsoup3 is a HTTP client/server library for GNOME. It uses GObject and the GLib main loop to integrate with GNOME applications and it also has an asynchronous API for use in threaded applications.

Package info

Codename: libsoup3
Source file: libsoup-3.4.4.tar.xz
Source directory: libsoup-3.4.4
Package URL:
Package md5-checksum URL:
Dependances: libxml2, gobject-introspection, vala, sqlite, glib-networking, libpsl, nghttp2.
Dependance of: libgrss, libosinfo, libshumate, geocode-glib, geoclue, gst-plugins-good, rest, libchamplain, grilo, gvfs, libgweather, tracker, webkitgtk4, webkitgtk3.
Patches: *** NO PATCHES FOUND ***
Addons: *** NO ADDONS FOUND ***
Nestings *** NO NESTINGS FOUND ***
Configuration script:
sed 's/apiversion/soup_version/' -i docs/reference/

mkdir build &&
cd    build &&

meson setup --prefix=/usr          \
            --buildtype=release    \
            -Dvapi=enabled         \
            -Dgssapi=disabled      \
            -Dsysprof=disabled     \
            --wrap-mode=nofallback \

Build script:
cd    build &&

if [[ "$ULFS_PKG_TEST" == "YES" ]]
	    make check

Install script:
cd    build &&
ninja install