UmVirt LFS Package info

DB commit: c78e95157185199cceff370fa5b5f1dd2a1be2fa
APP commit: cac3f2066a9a05955b29d720b9b9b14f534d21c2


PHP is the PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. Primarily used in dynamic web sites, it allows for programming code to be directly embedded into the HTML markup. It is also useful as a general purpose scripting language.

Package info

Codename: php
Source file: php-7.2.22.tar.bz2
Source directory: php-7.2.22
Package URL:
Package md5-checksum URL:
Dependances: curl, libxml2, libpng, libjpeg-turbo, tiff, libxslt, giflib, openldap-client, postgresql-client, openssl, mariadb-client.
Dependance of: *** NO PACKAGES FOUND ***
Patches: *** NO PATCHES FOUND ***
Addons: *** NO ADDONS FOUND ***
Nestings *** NO NESTINGS FOUND ***
Configuration script:
./configure --prefix=/usr                \
            --sysconfdir=/etc            \
            --localstatedir=/var         \
            --datadir=/usr/share/php     \
            --mandir=/usr/share/man      \
            --with-config-file-path=/etc \
            --with-zlib                  \
            --enable-bcmath              \
            --with-bz2                   \
            --enable-calendar            \
            --enable-dba=shared          \
            --with-gdbm                  \
            --with-gmp                   \
            --enable-ftp                 \
            --with-gettext               \
            --enable-mbstring            \
            --with-readline              \
            --with-gd                    \
            --with-openssl               \
            --with-curl                  \
            --with-ldap                  \
            --with-mysqli                \
            --with-pgsql                 \
            --with-pdo-mysql             \
            --with-pdo-pgsql             \
            --enable-soap                \
            --enable-intl                \
            --enable-sockets             \
            --enable-zip                 \
            --enable-pcntl               \

Build script:

Install script:
make install
install -v -m644 php.ini-production /etc/php.ini