ULFS can run on real hardware. If needed better hardware support Linux kernel recompilation and installing drivers can be used.
To run ULFS on real hardware you have to
cp -rf --preserve=all %image_partition_mount_point%/* %new_partition_mount_point%or unpack archive with partiotion files to new partition
mkdir partition mount %new_partition% partition tar -xf partition.tar.gz
This platform is very attractive because it provide CPU and GPU in one chip. This platform is suitable for office and home.
This platform need kernel recompilation (to support USB-devices and GPU), updating LLVM, libdrmm and mesa packages, installing xf86-vide-amdgpu package which also installs Linux kernel firmware.
If system boots with problems, there are few ways to fix it:
By-default, tearing while playing video and running games can occur.
To fix tearing run command and restart Xorg or computer:
cat > /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-amdgpu.conf << "EOF" Section "Device" Identifier "AMD" Driver "amdgpu" Option "TearFree" "true" EndSection EOF
If you wish to use other video cards you have to remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-amdgpu.conf file.